Welcome to Iota Upsilon Chapter-at-Large!
The Chapter was founded in 1988

2024 is the 36th year for the Chapter!

Iota Upsilon-at-Large is a vibrant chapter of faculty, students and alumni from Central Connecticut State University, Charter Oak State College, University of Hartford and University of Saint Joseph. We were pleased to have amended our chapter charter this year to include Charter Oak State College as a new member school. 

The chapter works independently but collaboratively with the member schools to support active and past members, and current and prospective students with exploring nursing scholarship, education, community service, philanthropy, and much more. Chapter Board members are all volunteers who are active members of Sigma Theta Tau International, but may are not required to be a faculty member/employee from one of the member schools. 

Membership: Nursing students will be notified by the school based counselor if they meet eligibility requirements. The Chapter induction ceremony occurs once per year. Practicing nurses can join as a nurse leader (please email the Chapter email for information) or renew their membership at any time (please reach out to membership services).

Chapter email address: iotaupsilonsigma@gmail.com

Please take a moment to watch a video highlighting just a small portion of the great work that has been part of the Iota Upsilon-at-Large Chapter History!


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Chapter News

  • 2024 Chapter Election Process


    Please click on the link to access the 2024 election ballot via Survey Monkey. It will be open now until 5/25 until 11:59pm 

    Any questions - please email iotaupsilonsigma@gmail.com

  • 2024 Annual Chapter Awards & Grants Opportunity

    Please open the SurveyMonkey Link below to review the available annual chapter awards, grants and scholarships - ACTIVE members (current membership with chapter and headquarters) and newly inducted students (have accepted membership and completed induction)- members may be eligible to apply for more than one grant/award.
    Note that the annual submission process is open as of today until Friday April 26th by 11:59pm.
    Recipients are encourage to attend the Nurses Week Tea on Saturday May 4th ( flyer/invitation will be posted soon). Recipients need not be present, and if needed will be notified via email. 

    More information is available in the SurveyMonkey application.

Chapter Events